Tools and instruments used for fault finding

The instruments are necessary for diagnostic and troubleshooting. To carry out the maintenance work, the maintenance tools and materials should be available to the maintenance technician. The wrenches, Ellen keys, screw drivers are standard shop-tools & therefore need not be included in the tools and instruments list.

Following are the Instruments used for fault finding in electrical devices:-

  1. Volt ohmmeter ac/dc
  2. 500V Megohmmeter
  3. Circuit breaker & relay test set
  4. Vibration – amplitude meter
  5. Centigrade thermometer
  6. Tachometer
  7. Hook-on ammeter
  8. Magnetic compass
  9. Mechanical voltage tester
  10. External shunt ammeter with 50 mV shunts
  11. Growler
  12. Phase sequence indicator
  13. Motor rotation indicator
  14. Hook on wattmeter
  15. Hook on power factor meter
  16. High potential test set
  17. Insulating liquid test set
  18. Hydrometer
  19. Industrial Analyzer
  20. Thermal Image Camera

Maintenance tools & materials:-

  1. Spring scale (0-5 Lbs.)
  2. Filler gauges (tapered) for air gap measurements
  3. Smooth mill file for contacts
  4. Commutator Stones
  5. Brush Seating Stones
  6. Under cutting tools
  7. Canvas commutator wiper
  8. Soldering iron
  9. Insulated fuse puller
  10. Two cell flashlight (insulated)
  11. Small mirror with extension handle & knuckle joint

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